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Friday, June 18, 2010

Shout Outs!

First, Grammy Jean. It was great to have you around for a good while! Thank you soooo much for your help while I recovered from surgery. We all miss you a lot...Arden most of all.

Second, Congratulations, Daddy, on your much-deserved promotion! Chris is now VP Manufacturing at Genzyme. You worked so hard for so long. It's wonderful that they've finally recognized your efforts.

Jen & The Murphettes

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Videos thru June 15th

Arden Using a Fork

Uncle Romey Plays with the Girls

Lani & Grammy Plant Seeds

Arden Playing

Lani & Cari Wearing Grown-up Shoes

Wearing Grammy Jean's Shoes

Ring Around the Rosies

It's been a long while, hasn't it?

I can't believe the last time I posted was in early May. Let's play catch-up. Since then, Grammy Jean has come to visit, my brother met the twins for the first time, the twins masted the fork, Mother's Day came and went, I've had surgery, the twins' vocabulary has exploded, Lani has attended a couple of birthday parties, and my 20th college reunion has been held.

Below is a pictorial journey. Video to follow.

The sisters drawing together.

Chris took me to the Naked Fish for Mother's Day. It was very nice and the girls did very well.

A rare photo of me.

Arden revealing her fork proficiency. She really picked it up quickly.

Uncle Romey playing with Cari. He met the twins for the first time during this visit.

The girls are starting to enjoy each other as playmates. It doesn't happen often, but it's neat when it does. Here they were rolling around on the couch together.

Arden has a fixation with her nose.

Just in the last week and a half, Cari has begun having tantrums. Arden has thrown a few fits too but they are pretty tame compared to Cari. Arden might last 15 seconds; Cari can go on for 5+ minutes.

My old college friend, Yin (holding Lani) and her husband and son (see, left) were up for our college reunion. I can't believe how long it's been.

Lani at her friend J's 4th birthday party. The party was held at Gymboree and the kids seemed to love it.
A number of kids in the pic go to her preschool. It was like a mini-reunion.

As for language, the twins say so much now. Just this morning, Arden said "thank you" twice and "kissipoo" for the first time. I could not believe it. And Cari is trying to be just like Alana. It's so funny and cute.