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Thursday, February 25, 2010

The other day Cari's sitter put her in Lani's petticoat dress. Cari loved it. She ended up pulling it over her arms like this. It was pretty cute. She's such a girly girl already.

Arden is a Walker!

Cari Wears Alana's Dress.

Friday, February 19, 2010


These are our twin videophiles, making googoo eyes at Barney.
The local Mother of Twins Club held an event at a nearby playspace. The kids really love it, especially Alana and Arden. The minute we got there, Arden took off (on her knees, of course) and started climbing on anything she could find. She also had no issues playing next to other kids and even sitting on a chair before another kid could get to it. She would crawl or kneewalk back to me periodically but she didn't worry about where I was most of the time. Shy? I don't think so.

This little munchkin is quite the opposite. Such a shy mama's girl. The minute we get there, if I don't hold her, she starts crying. She takes about 10 minutes of holding before she warms up to the place. After that, she played long as mommy was nearby.

Climbaholic in action

Lani is another one who just takes off. The place is huge, and I had quite a time running around trying to keep track of my two errant girls.
Cari after she warmed up.

Lani (and all the bigger kids) loved this bouncy train.

Lani made a friend.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Visit to NJ over President's Day Weekend

I've been following the University of Alabama professor's murder case. You know, the neuroscientist who recently shot 6 of her colleagues during a staff meeting. Among her list of past misdeeds is an incident where she assaulted a woman in an IHOP. Said woman apparently took the last high chair in the joint. And I thought, ahhh, that's the difference between "normal" and "crazy" people. Normal people just think about punching someone in the head, while crazy people act on the impulse. Scary.

* * *

It's been awhile since I've updated the blog. We've been on the go. Had a great visit in NJ with the family. The girls had a chance to bond with their cousins, Anna and Lilly. Chris got to enjoy his mom's spaghetti.

Playing cards...Anna, Lilly, and Alana. Anna and Lilly were very kind and patient allowing Lani to play with them.


Arden & Cari in high chairs in Gramma Rose's tiny kitchen. We misplaced one of the bibs so Arden used a kitchen towel the entire visit. It worked like a charm.

Alana and Lilly looking matchy-matchy

Lilly, Arden, and Cari

Isn't this so precious? Lilly is wonderful, very loving with her little cousins.

Back at home and under the spell of the "The Wiggles". Arden is hooked! She will stand there for at least a half hour mesmerized.

This is what Cari looks like watching Barney. It doesn't show, but she loves Barney.

Lani looking quite sweet. We have been having issues with her (not sharing, crying jags, defiance). We think it is our fault. She sort of gets shunted aside by the twins' needs as well as our need to complete chores etc. The twins are increasingly mobile as well and get into everything she owns. We have decided, rather than be even stricter with her, to lavish her with attention, to stay calm and patient even in the face of bad behavior, and to continue encouraging good behavior. This strategy, combined with a responsibility/reward chart, seems to be helping her turn around the unwanted behavior.