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Friday, July 31, 2009

Hey Daddy

Poor Lani, she misses her Daddy a lot, AND she's had this fever of 102 degrees the last day and a half. Last night around 10pm she was moaning and not making any sense. I had to pull her out of bed, medicate her, and let her lay with me until the fever subsided. Meds do knock it down, but it comes back once they wear off. I've got my neighbor, Suzanne, on alert in case I have to take Lani to the ER. God forbid!

Uncle Frank and Aunt Susan left early this week and we really miss them. Uncle Frank was awesome with the babies, and Aunt Susan is just the best!

I am throwing up a few pictures for Daddy. He is really missing his girls.

Since Daddy went away, our new habit is to take a shower together then hop in my bed for a little together time, which we both enjoy. The other night we watched a story about intelligent cuttlefish on Nova, last night we watched a little bit of Real Housewives of Atlanta (wow, they are tied with NJ Housewives for the most violent trash-talkers) and tonight we caught the X games, motocross tricks. Lani fell asleep in my bed while I went to wash bottles. So so sweet.

This is what our babies look like when they are truly disgusted with their food.

Even Cari, who will eat just about anything and still ask for seconds, did not like the pureed lamb. Yech. I don't blame them.
On a happier note, Cari learned to clap a few days ago and now she shakes her head no. So doggone cute, I can't even tell you. (Does Cari look different? She's been wearing her doc band/helmet for about a week now.)


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Susan and Frank are Visiting!

We've been very happily busy with Uncle Frank and Aunt Susan visiting for 2 weeks. We are probably not the best hosts though as we are also assiduously ridding our house and environs of clutter in anticipation of putting our house on the market. Yes, that's right. It's official. Chris will be commuting bi-coastally to his new position in MA while I manage the homestead here in SD.

We're trying to get this house sold by October, but in this market it seems like a longshot. Evicting the rodents that had set up house in the garage was a start, but SD was hit hard by this awful housing bust and houses are not selling in our neighborhood.

Bah! Enough bad news. Here are some pics before I collapse into bed.

Cari got her doc band. She doesn't mind it TOO much, but she's going to get hot in this house during August and September. My poor baby.

The girls in her "playpens."

Lani. What a face, huh? Sweet as she often is, she is also going through a terribly bossy stage. Her face is often gathered into a frown these days. I think I'm seeing a preview of the teen years. Yikes!

More pics of the girls hanging out in their "mommy's too cheap to buy real playpens" playpens...

Ummm! Plastic bins are so tasty!

Chubba wubba. Those arms are sooo chubby!

The other day Cari gestured the sign for "milk" and said "mmaaaa" while sitting in her high chair. Could it be?

Lani showing off her beach body at Imperial Beach, which is just across the Tijuana River estuary from Tijuana, Mexico. We took a day trip during the week with our guests. The beach was so peaceful that afternoon, although we did see the bottom half of a seal washed up on the beach. Not sure if it was eaten by a shark or a boat propeller. It was weird and a little sad.

Aunt Susan giving AJ a lift.

Aunt Susan and Uncle Frank letting Alana play in the waves. Little girl loves loves loves the ocean!

Daddy's girl!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Our Life in Pictures

C&A in their new Graco Bugs/Tot Block Playard.
It's huge and perfect for them at this stage.

Oh boy, do we miss Katelyn, our superstar babysitter. She was only 22 but she was so wonderful, sweet and conscientious. She and her hubby left for parts north, so he could take a job in Bakersfield. She will make a great pediatric nurse.

I don't know what to make of this smile, but thought it worthy of posting anyhow.

Hubbly sent this beautiful bouquet (12 roses, I counted) in honor of our anniversary. Married 4 years this June. We've packed a lot (too much?) in our short time together.

And the domination begins. Hear ye, hear ye, minions...I proclaim that today is Alana Day...

Two sisters being held by two sisters. Can it get any sweeter? Do I hear angels singing?

Aunty May gave the babies baths every night she was visiting. She also cleaned a spot on the upstairs rug left by another guest. My God, can someone be more kind and considerate?

Aunty Sherri playing with Cari.

A & C playing with toys recently. Both girls are sitting up pretty well nowadays.

If Hitler were a baby and had access to spongebob bandaids...
(I trimmed a bandage in an effort to protect a cut over her lip but a watershed of boogies caused my plan to fail. I quickly thereafter removed the bandaid) Caribari, Carebear, Boom Boom is teething. She's had some tough days and nights sleeping. Even at only 8 months, she is busy relentlessly stealing her sister's toys. No matter what she has, she always lunges for Arden's toy. And Arden knows this and gets mad, but she does not have the strength or coordination to keep her uber-athletic sister from poaching. She is a very physical girl but is also given to bouts of babbling baba baba.

Drool much?
Arden, Ardenia, Midge, Mimi is teething like crazy as well. Both girls are working on getting in the top 4 front teeth. I predict that Cari will have hers within 3 weeks and Arden will take a bit longer than that. She is a very happy, sweet baby always given to smiling and laughing. Currently, I am the love of her life.
